Animated Videos
This is a series of 13 short videos that has been developed as part of EN.V’s STAND (Support for Training, Advocacy and Networking for Development) program, which aims to build the capacity of non-profit organisations in Kuwait and the region. It is meant to serve as an introduction to Financial Management for organisations interested in strengthening their knowledge and promoting collaboration and sustainability within the civic sector.
Introduction to NGO Governance
Introduction to Fundraising
NMU Series of 2D Sketch Animation
This is one of a series of 4 short videos that has been developed as part of En.V’s n-mu program implemented by en.v in partnership with the Eurasia Foundation, the International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) and the US State Department to promote constructive youth engagement in Kuwait.
Introduction to Critical Thinking
Introduction to Active Citizenship
2D animated explainer video on the concept of DAMA for Give.Get. Connect.
A high quality 3D animated of the ‘Wheels On The Bus’ nursery rhyme for USP Studio’s YouTube Channel for children.
Awards packaging animation for Weirdass Comedy.
2D animated explainer video for and its branded gamification services.
A 2D animated explainer video for Resellers Club.